How To Create A Gun In Roblox
To assist in creating competitive combat-based experiences, several endorsed weapons are available for use in any game. The core system features projectile-based weapons with an over-the-shoulder camera, and setting the projectile speed high enough can simulate raycasting weapons like laser guns.
To use an endorsed weapon in your game:
- Select one of the following weapons:
- On the weapon's item page, click the green Get button and confirm the transaction.
- In Roblox Studio, open the toolbox (View → Toolbox).
- Select your toolbox Inventory section.
- Locate the weapon and click it to add it into the place. When prompted whether to put the tool into the starter pack, click Yes if you want players to start the game with the weapon or click No to simply place the weapon in the game world as a pickup.
Each endorsed weapon contains a complete copy of the entire weapons system, including sounds and decals for all weapons.
The first time you bring in an endorsed weapon, move its WeaponsSystem folder into
. Later, be sure to delete the WeaponsSystem folder from any new endorsed weapons you add to avoid confusion while configuring weapon options.
System Folder Structure
The WeaponsSystem folder which controls all endorsed weapons is structured as follows:
ServerScriptService |
WeaponsSystem ( |
Assets ( |
Animations ( |
Effects ( |
Casings ( |
HitMarks ( |
Shots ( |
WeaponsSystemGui ( |
Configuration ( |
SlowZoomWalkEnabled ( |
SprintEnabled ( |
Libraries ( |
WeaponTypes ( |
ServerWeaponsScript ( |
Version ( |
ClientWeaponsScript ( |
NetworkingCallbacks ( |
WeaponData ( |
WeaponsSystem ( |
Within the WeaponsSystem folder, different aspects are controlled by the following ModuleScript|ModuleScripts
Aspect | Handled Primarily Within... |
Weapons Functionality |
Shoulder Camera (reference) |
Weapons GUI (reference) |
By default, the weapons system adds "sprint" capability to the game, so players can sprint by holding the Shift key, pushing fully up on the dynamic thumbstick (mobile), or pushing fully up on the left joystick (gamepad). If you want to disable sprinting, set SprintEnabled within WeaponsSystem/Configuration to false.
The system also reduces player speed while they're aiming/zooming, although this behavior can be disabled by setting the SlowZoomWalkEnabled boolean to false.
Modifying a Weapon
Below are all the generic descendants needed to modify a weapon or create a new weapon, along with all optional descendants to override. More specialized options are specified in Weapon Options.
Throughout this documentation, note the following object and naming rules:
- When something is specified as a
such as "Arrow (BasePart
)," the object type just needs to inherit fromBasePart
, so it can be aPart
, etc. However, if something is noted as a specific inherited type such as "Handle (Part
)," that object must be aPart
. - Square brackets [] refer to the object in general and the name doesn't matter. For example, [Model] refers to the weapon's
and you can rename it to whatever makes sense.
[Weapon] ( |
WeaponType ( |
[WeaponModel] ( |
One or more |
Descendants of [WeaponModel]:
Handle ( |
[Configuration] ( |
AmmoCapacity ( |
FireMode ( |
ShotCooldown ( |
BurstShotCooldown ( |
NumBurstShots ( |
HitDamage ( |
FullDamageDistance ( |
ZeroDamageDistance ( |
BulletSpeed ( |
MaxDistance ( |
MinSpread ( |
MaxSpread ( |
GravityFactor ( |
HasScope ( |
ReloadAnimation ( |
AimTrack ( |
AimZoomTrack ( |
RecoilMin ( |
RecoilMax ( |
TotalRecoilMax ( |
RecoilDecay ( |
RecoilDelayTime ( |
StartupTime ( |
FiredPlaybackSpeedRange ( |
NumProjectiles ( |
Additional children for any Weapon Options. |
Weapon Options
Any number of the following options can be added/modified for any weapon. Note that some are dependent on others, such as Muzzle Particles which requires the necessary children for Projectile/Hit Effects and Sounds.
Bolt Animations and Sounds
An endorsed weapon's bolt is the part that moves back and forth each time you fire it.
- Descendants of the weapon's
- Bolt (
) (required) — The actual bolt that will move when it's animated. - BoltMotor (
) (required) — Used to animate the bolt. Make sure to setJointInstance/Part0|Part0
to the weapon'sModel/PrimaryPart|PrimaryPart
to the Bolt. - BoltMotorStart (
) (required) — Point where the bolt is when it's at rest. - BoltMotorTarget (
) (required) — Point where the bolt animates to when shooting. - BoltOpenSound (
) (optional) — Plays when the bolt opens. - BoltCloseSound (
) (optional) — Plays when the bolt closes.
- Children of the weapon's
- ActionOpenTime (
) (optional) — Time it takes for the bolt to animate to open position; default is 0.025. - ActionCloseTime (
) (optional) — Time it takes for the bolt to animate to closed position; default is 0.075.
Ejecting Bullet Casings
Weapons can include physical bullet casings that eject upon firing and fall to the ground.
- Descendants of the weapon's
- CasingEjectPoint (
) (required) — Position this attachment on a weapon modelBasePart
where you want bullet casings to pop out. Note that its orientation determines the direction the casings will pop out.
- Children of the weapon's
- CasingEffect (
) (required) — Name of casingBasePart
in WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Casings. - CasingEjectSpeedMin (
) (optional) — Minimum eject speed of casings; default is 15. - CasingEjectSpeedMax (
) (optional) — Maximum eject speed of casings; default is 18.
- Optional child of casing
within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Casings:
- CasingHitSound (
) (optional) — Plays when casings hit the ground.
Projectile/Hit Effects and Sounds
Physical projectiles can be specified for any weapon, along with Sound|Sounds
, Beam|Beams
, and ParticleEmitter|ParticleEmitters
for hit effects and other special effects.
- Children of the weapon's
- ShotEffect (
) (required) — Name of a shot effect stored within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Shots. - ShouldMovePart (
) (optional) — Set to true if the weapon's ShotEffect should move with the projectile or false if not; default is false. You should only set this to true if there's a visible object that moves with each shot, such as an arrow or rocket. - BeamFadeTime (
) (optional) — Time it takes for Beam0 and Beam1 to fade after bullet/projectile hits something. Default isnil
which means no manual fade will be applied by code. - BeamWidth0 (
) (optional) — Thickness of Beam0/Beam1 at Attachment0; default is 1.5. - BeamWidth1 (
) (optional) — Thickness of Beam0/Beam1 at Attachment1; default is 1.8. - NumHitParticles (
) (optional) — Number of particles the HitParticlesParticleEmitter
will emit. Default is 3. - HitParticlesUsePartColor (
) (optional) — Set to true if you want the hit particles to be the color of the hit surface, false if you want hit particles to not change color. Default is true.
- Descendants of the specified ShotEffect noted in the previous section (located within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Shots):
- Flying (
) (optional) — Plays while bullet/projectile is traveling. - Beam0 (
) (optional) — First slot for a trailing beam behind bullet/projectile. Don't forget to set attachments (see descendants which follow). - Beam1 (
) (optional) — Second slot for a trailing beam behind bullet/projectile. Don't forget to set attachments (see descendants which follow). - Attachment0 (
) (optional) — Back of trailing beams; make sure to set Attachment0 on both Beam0 and Beam1 to this.- TrailParticles (
) (optional) — Direct child of Attachment0; this will emit from Attachment0 while the bullet/projectile is traveling.
- TrailParticles (
- Attachment1 (
) (optional) — Front of trailing beams; make sure to set Attachment1 on both Beam0 and Beam1 to this.- LeadingParticles (
) (optional) — Direct child of Attachment1; this will emit from Attachment1 while the bullet/projectile is traveling.
- LeadingParticles (
- HitEffect (
) (optional) — Position doesn't matter; the position will be set to Beam0.Attachment1 when the bullet/projectile hits, so you must specify Beam0 and its attachments for this to work properly.- HitSound (
) (optional) — Direct child of HitEffect; plays when the bullet/projectile hits. - HitParticles (
) (optional) — Direct child of HitEffect; emits when the bullet/projectile hits.
- HitSound (
- Any
that you want to appear as a physical projectile (optional). Make sure you set ShouldMovePart noted in the previous section to true if you have a visible object here.
Muzzle Particles
This option emits particles from the specified ParticleEmitter
at the weapon's TipAttachment Attachment
when it's fired.
- Children of the weapon's
- ShotEffect (
) (required) — Name of a shot effect stored within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Shots. - NumMuzzleParticles (
) (optional) — Number of muzzle particles that will be emitted; default is 50.
- For the specified shot effect (located in WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/Shots), add a
named MuzzleParticles:
Muzzle Flashes
This option creates a Beam
flash effect when the weapon is fired.
- Descendants of the weapon's
- MuzzleFlash0 (
) (required) — Used to specify one side of muzzle flash. Position doesn't matter. - MuzzleFlash1 (
) (required) — Used to specify opposite side of muzzle flash. Position doesn't matter. - MuzzleFlash (
) (required) — Make sure to setBeam/Attachment0|Attachment0
to MuzzleFlash0 andBeam/Attachment1|Attachment1
to MuzzleFlash1.
- Children of the weapon's
- MuzzleFlashTime (
) (optional) — Length of time muzzle flash will show for; default is 0.03. - MuzzleFlashRotation0 (
) (optional) — Minimum rotation of muzzle flash; default is-math.pi
. - MuzzleFlashRotation1 (
) (optional) — Maximum rotation of muzzle flash; default ismath.pi
. - MuzzleFlashSize0 (
) (optional) — Minimum size of muzzle flash; default is 1. - MuzzleFlashSize1 (
) (optional) — Maximum size of muzzle flash; default is 1.
Trail Behind Projectiles
This option creates a trail of varying length from the weapon to the projectile impact point.
- Children of the weapon's
- TrailLength (
) (optional) — Length of trail behind bullet/projectile; default isnil
which means the trail length will instead be calculated using TrailLengthFactor. - TrailLengthFactor (
) (optional) — The trail length will be set to this value multiplied by the distance the bullet/projectile traveled in the last frame; default is 1. Note that this will be overridden if you include TrailLength. - ShowEntireTrailUntilHit (
) (optional) — Set to true to render the trail from the weapon tip all the way to wherever the projectile is; this will override both TrailLength and TrailLengthFactor and the trail will only disappear once the projectile hits something. Set to false to use one of the above two options to calculate trail length. Default is false.
Hit Marks
This visual addition appears on the surface where projectiles hit and is useful for arrows, bullet holes, scorch marks, etc.
- Children of the weapon's
- HitMarkEffect (
) (optional) — Name of hit mark effect stored within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/HitMarks; default is BulletHole. - AlignHitMarkToNormal (
) (optional) — Set to true if the hit mark should always align flat against the surface like a bullet hole, or false if the hit mark should appear stuck in the surface from the direction the projectile came from (like an arrow). Default is true.
- Descendants of the specified HitMarkEffect noted in the previous section (located within WeaponsSystem/Assets/Effects/HitMarks):
- Glow (
) (optional) — Appears on the hit surface fully opaque, then rapidly gets more transparent, like a glowing effect on the surface that fades quickly. Useful for things like showing a glowing red mark where explosives hit. - BulletHole (
) (optional) — Appears on the hit surface fully opaque and, after 4 seconds, fades to transparent over 1 second. - ImpactBillboard (
) (optional) — Displays at the hit surface, always facing towards player.- Impact (
) (optional) — Direct child of ImpactBillboard; this begins fully opaque, grows to the full size of the ImpactBillboard over 0.1 seconds, then shrinks to half its size and fades to full transparency over 0.1 seconds.
- Impact (
- Any
that you want to appear as a physical projectile (optional). For example, including an arrowMeshPart
and setting AlignHitMarkToNormal noted above to false will make the arrow stick out of the surface from the direction you shot it.
Exploding Projectiles
Projectiles can include an Explosion
object to damage players in an area around the impact point.
- Children of the weapon's
- ExplodeOnImpact (
) (optional) — Set to true if you want bullets/projectiles for the weapon to explode on impact, false otherwise. Default is false. - BlastRadius (
) (optional) —Explosion/BlastRadius|BlastRadius
of explosion; default is 8. - BlastPressure (
) (optional) —Explosion/BlastPressure|BlastPressure
of explosion; default is 10000. - BlastDamage (
) (optional) — Damage dealt to things in the center of the explosion. Note that the explosion does less damage the farther away hit objects are from the center of the explosion. Default is 100.
Charging Weapon
A charging weapon like the Railgun must be charged up between shots before it can fire again.
- Descendants of the weapon's
- Charging (
) (optional) — Plays while the weapon is charging. - Discharging (
) (optional) — Plays while the weapon is discharging, for example if you charge the weapon just partially and release the shoot button. - ChargeComplete (
) (optional) — Plays when the weapon has reached full charge. - DischargeComplete (
) (optional) — Plays when the weapon has completely discharged. - ChargeGlow (
) (optional) — This object will get less transparent as the weapon charges up, such that it will be fully opaque at 100% charge. - ChargeCompleteParticles (
) (optional) — Emits when the weapon has finished charging. This emitter can be a child of any modelBasePart
or a child of anAttachment
within theBasePart
. - DischargeCompleteParticles (
) (optional) — Emits when the weapon has completely discharged. This emitter can be a child of any modelBasePart
or a child of anAttachment
within theBasePart
. - ChargingParticles (
) (optional) — Emits while the weapon is charging. You can include multiple emitters of this name and each will emit while charging. This emitter can be a child of any modelBasePart
or a child of anAttachment
within theBasePart
- Children of the weapon's
- ChargeRate (
) (required) — Rate at which the weapon will charge. This value must be specified to indicate that the weapon uses charging. - DischargeRate (
) (optional) — Rate at which the weapon will discharge; default is 0 which means the weapon will not discharge at all. - ChargePassively (
) (optional) — Set to true if you want the weapon to passively charge so it will shoot instantly when you click, or false if you want to click/touch to charge the weapon and have it fire once full charge is reached. Default is false. - ChargingParticlesRatePerCharge (
) (optional) — Number of particles that will emit out of all ChargingParticles emitters multiplied by the current charge of the weapon. Default is 20, meaning that if the weapon charge is at 10%, each ChargingParticles emitter will emit 2 particles (20*0.1
), and if the weapon charge is at 90%, each emitter will emit 18 particles (20*0.9
). - FireDischarge (
) (optional) — Amount of charge the weapon will lose after firing a fully charged shot; default is 1. - NumChargeCompleteParticles (
) (optional) — Number of particles the ChargeCompleteParticles emitter will emit once the weapon is fully charged. Default is 25. - NumDischargeCompleteParticles (
) (optional) — Number of particles the DischargeCompleteParticles emitter will emit when the weapon is completely discharged. Default is 25.
Bow Weapon
A bow weapon like the Crossbow can include a realistic string and arms construction, as well as a visual arrow nocked to the string.
- Make the weapon into a charging weapon as specified in Charging Weapon. For example, add the required ChargeRate within the weapon's
that specifies how fast the string is drawn. Additionally, consider adding optional descendants to the weapon'sModel
such as a Charging sound for the string/arms being pulled back. - Set the WeaponType to BowWeapon as indicated in Modifying a Weapon.
- Descendants of the weapon's
- LeftString (
) (optional) — The visual left half of the string. - RightString (
) (optional) — The visual right half of the string. - Arrow (
) (optional) — The arrow that appears when the bow is fully drawn. Note that this is only for visual appearance on the bow (the actual fired arrow will be a ShotEffect as outlined in Projectile/Hit Effects and Sounds). - String1 (
) (optional) — The center point of the string. - StringLoose (
) (optional) — Point where String1 should be when the bow is at rest. - StringTight (
) (optional) — Point where String1 should be when the bow is fully drawn. - Arms (
) (optional) — A part that just serves as an internal indicator that the bow arms will be animated. This may contain the following direct children:- LeftString0 (
) (optional) — Point where the left side of the string is attached to the bow. - RightString0 (
) (optional) — Point where the right side of the string is attached to the bow. - LeftLoose (
) (optional) — Point where LeftString0 should be when the bow is at rest. - RightLoose (
) (optional) — Point where RightString0 should be when the bow is at rest. - LeftTight (
) (optional) — Point where LeftString0 should be when the bow is fully drawn. - RightTight (
) (optional) — Point where RightString0 should be when the bow is fully drawn. - [SpecialMesh] (
) (optional) — The part of the bow that will actually bend when the bow is drawn. Note that you must specify the following fourVector3Value
objects to make this animate. - LooseOffset (
) (optional) — Offset of theSpecialMesh
when the bow is at rest. - TightOffset (
) (optional) — Offset of theSpecialMesh
when the bow is fully drawn. - LooseScale (
) (optional) — Scale of theSpecialMesh
when the bow is at rest. - TightScale (
) (optional) — Scale of theSpecialMesh
when the bow is fully drawn.
- LeftString0 (
Weapons System GUI
The core weapons system interfaces with this system to update the GUI based on things like spread of the gun, indicators for when you get hit or hit others, etc.
In WeaponsSystem/Assets, the weapons system GUI is structured as follows:
WeaponsSystem ( |
Assets ( |
Animations ( |
Effects ( |
WeaponsSystemGui ( |
ScalingElements ( |
DirectionalIndicators ( |
Crosshair ( |
[UIAspectRatioConstraint] ( |
Bottom ( |
Left ( |
Right ( |
Top ( |
HitMarker ( |
[UIAspectRatioConstraint] ( |
HitMarkerImage ( |
LargeTouchscreen ( |
AimButton ( |
FireButton ( |
Scope ( |
ScopeImage ( |
[UIAspectRatioConstraint] ( |
BottomBlack ( |
LeftBlack ( |
RightBlack ( |
TopBlack ( |
SmallTouchscreen ( |
AimButton ( |
FireButton ( |
Create a Directional Indicator
Directional indicators are used to show the direction of something around the player's crosshair. For example, if someone shoots you, a red semi-circle can show up around your crosshair in the direction the shot came from. Other examples include indicators to show the direction of footsteps, indirect gunfire, or even environmental objects such as chests.
To create a new indicator, add it in WeaponsSystemGui/ScalingElements/DirectionalIndicators and structure it like so:
WeaponsSystemGui ( |
ScalingElements ( |
DirectionalIndicators ( |
[Indicator] ( |
[UIAspectRatioConstraint] ( |
[ImageLabel] ( |
[UIAspectRatioConstraint] ( |
[Configuration] ( |
DistanceLevelFromCenter ( |
FadeTime ( |
Name ( |
TimeBeforeFade ( |
TransparencyBeforeFade ( |
WidthLevel ( |
Once created, you can activate an indicator via the following command inside WeaponsSystem/Libraries/WeaponsGui where indicatorName
is the string name of the indicator to activate and worldPos
is the world position where the directional indicator should point.
Show Damage Billboard
The damage billboard is used to show little numbers above a player's head when they are damaged. These will only show up for the player that damaged another player, not for spectating players.
Damage billboards are handled in WeaponsSystem/Libraries/DamageBillboardHandler and can be activated from any client-side code as follows, where damage
is the amount of damage done and adornmentPart
is the part on which to adorn the billboard, such as the victim's head.
Shoulder Camera
The shoulder camera is a third-person camera that looks over the player's right shoulder. To customize the shoulder camera, modify the variables under the -- Configuration parameters (constants)
comment in the
function of WeaponsSystem/Libraries/ShoulderCamera. You can modify things such as field of view, offset from player, walk speed while sprinting or zooming, etc.
How To Create A Gun In Roblox
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